25 February 2023

Dealing with Weakness


I needed to recognize a serious weakness lately, when I was having my photograph taken to accompany a quote of mine that is going to be displayed with several others at an upcoming church Women's Conference with the theme "Fear thou not for I am with thee."


After taking shots in several poses––front and three-quarter, smiling and serious––the photographer asked me to sit in profile with my hands clasped in front of me, as though perhaps in meditation or prayer.  


I hesitated, mentioning that I was a bit sensitive about my hands. I used to consider them one of my best features, but they are now noticeably deformed with osteoarthritis. 


She immediately said that pose wasn't necessary, but I responded, "I'll do it. I need to overcome my vanity!" And I took the pose. 


Nowadays I consider that my green eyes are my best feature, and I was originally hoping she would use a shot where they were visible. But now I realize that I'll be happiest if she uses the pose where one of my weaknesses began to turn into a strength.